Since opening in 2015, Hope Mill Theatre Manchester has become one of the country’s most successful independent venues. One of its most popular productions was Yank! The Musical in 2017, receiving acclaim from audiences and critics alike. Those lucky enough to have seen and enjoyed the show will be pleased to learn that a concert in celebration of it is streaming on YouTube.
It was unfortunate (and some may say fortunate) that this play was just starting to tour the UK when the Covid-19 crisis struck but now this production of Ali Milles debut play is on offer through streaming services from the excellent Original Theatre Company.
In these uncertain times, there’s nothing more certain than we need a lift and a laugh and ‘Timpson: The Musical’ does it by the shoeful.
Written slightly before The Tempest; A Winter’s Tale is a complicated tale of love, madness and regret. Towards the end of Shakespeare’s writing career in 1608-1612, he wrote four plays which unusually for Shakespeare; had happy endings - Cymbeline, Pericles, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest.
At a time when we are missing our regular theatre visits and our rehearsal time, we find that the arts is constantly evolving to entertain us all in these dark times. From families finding music with their children and performing in their living rooms and posting on Facebook to artistes giving free daily concerts on YouTube. Before a child can speak it will dance - Music has the power to lift our spirits and souls and the Arts; that are so often marginalised; once again prove that the joy and language is universal.
What could be a funnier start to a musical comedy livestream, than a broken link that won’t work? Well, it was funny until it kept interrupting the stream! However, it eventually seemed to work and we got into the show. Whilst people were complaining about having paid for the stream, many seemed to forget that it was raising money for Funds for Freelancers to help performers and artists during these unprecedented times!
Step through Creation Theatre’s ‘Zoom’ portal to Prospero’s Island, where you can put your feet up and be entertained in your PJ’s if you so desire! Home entertainment just took on a new face in the shape of ‘Zoom Theatre’ and it is just what is needed when we are starved of our trips to see shows at the theatre; theatre must come to us.
It was unfortunate that this play was just starting to tour the UK when the Corona virus struck but now this production of Alan Bennett’s 2009 play is enjoying a fine revival from the Original Theatre Company through streaming services until June 2nd 2020 and the good news is - it’s well worth checking it out.
Chichester Festival Theatre are currently streaming their 2018 production of Flowers for Mrs Harris online. Based on the novel by Paul Gallico, this heartwarming musical was directed by Daniel Evans alongside Musical Director, Tom Brady.
Uncertain times provide opportunity and here was one as we get to delight again in 2009’s unique joint venture between the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet with this production of Handel’s baroque masterpiece with English libretto, choreographed and directed by Wayne McGregor, which matches singers and dancers in parallel roles, and was presented at the time as a double bill with Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.
Barn Theatre is a charity which opened its doors two years ago. It won the UK’s Best Fringe Theatre Award 2019 and like other theatres, had to make the decision to close its doors recently. In a bid to raise funds to be able to continue its wonderful work, the theatre decided to Live Stream its play Henry V which was filmed last year during a live performance.
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